Director of operations

Thank you Lydia!

Louise Killens, President of Des Collines Health Foundation greatly thanks Lydia Makuch-Phillips for her tireless work and dedication as Director General the past few years. In fact, the entire Board of Directors wishes Lydia a well deserved Happy and Healthy retirement.

The Des Collines Health Foundation is a bilingual, non-profit charitable organisation based in Wakefield that raises funds to enhance the quality of patient care and comfort in the municipalities of Cantley, Chelsea, LaPêche, Val-des-Monts and Low. The Foundation provides support to the Wakefield Memorial Hospital, two residential and long-term care facilities (CHSLD) located in Wakefield and Masham, and four local community service centres (CLSC) in Chelsea, Cantley, La Pêche and Val-des-Monts.

A Path Forward:

Maureen Fehr, Director of Operations

We are excited to announce a new path forward. Maureen Fehr, started this week as Director of Operations.
It’s a tall order, but those that know Maureen, feel that her energy and spirit will enable us to continue the work that has previously been built and emerge stronger as a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to enhance the quality of patient care and support the Wakefield Memorial Hospital, two residential and long-term care facilities (CHLSD), and four local CLSC`s in Chelsea, Cantley, La Peche, and Val-des-Monts.


Maureen will work closely with the Board of Directors, as well as community partners in a range of areas including Board governance, finance and administration, communications and fundraising operations and management.

If you are a community-minded individual who welcomes the opportunity to volunteer please contact Maureen at