Together, we have raised an extraordinary $21,000 to the betterment of our community, leaving a positive and lasting legacy.

The funds will be directed toward purchasing a much-needed Bladder Scanner for the CHSLD, a Stretcher, and a Vascular Doppler for the CLSC in Masham, and a Vascular Doppler for the CLSC in Val-des-Mont.

The golf tournament on June 9, 2023 attracted a record number of players, and, in fact, officially sold out!
Enthusiastic and diverse golfers joined us for a day of camaraderie, and friendly competition, creating an unforgettable experience.

As we bask in the glow of this remarkable achievement, we express our heartfelt thanks once again for the exceptional support of our sponsors, donors and participants.  The success of our golf tournament only strengthened our resolve to continue striving for excellence in all our future endeavors. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering commitment!


Congratulations Daniel Sterlini! who won the early bird registration draw
$500 gift card from Familles Charles IGA